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Visby 2018



Visby 2017


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016 !


Breeders Group, graded Excellent with Honor prize
Stockholm International (Nordic Winner) 2015-12-12
Indra, Jenny, Datsy and Jazza


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014 !


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2013 !
Visby 2010.08.28
Photos taken by Kenneth Broström
Datsy, Eva, Marina (in front), Fanny and Focus
Excellent and honour prize with the breeders group.
Datsy, Saturnus (11 years), Focus, Marina (not in the group), Regina

"Very nice in sizes. Excellent temperaments. My complements to the two veterans. Excellent colours. I love the heads a lot, all small ears. /Van Den Berg Hans"

Focus & Marina
2010 Gotland
Focus, Fanny, Eva, Datsy and Lia
Photo: Kenneth Broström
2010.08.29 Judge John J Walsh
Eva BOB CAC CACIB and Swedish Champion!!!
Datsy 2exc with R-CACIB
Photo: Lennart Wallin
2010.08.28 Judge Des Marton
Focus BOB & Fanny BOS
2010.08.28 Judge Des Marton
Eva 1exc and Datsy 2exc
Datsy Best Opposite Sex and Focus Best Of Breed at Avesta 2009.06.14

Best Breeders Group in Kista 2009.04.10
Crispin (owned by Gun Friberg), Regina, Datsy (owned by Lena & Lennart Wallin), Saturnus (owned by Ellen Vogt) and she has also Olympus.
Photo by Gun Friberg.


Best Breeders with Regina, Coral, Don Pedro and Crispin.
Rimbo 2007.09.30
Photo: Elenore Larsson

Åland, 2006-09-23
Magisters Sea-Star - BOB
Skeppsklockans Saturnus - BOS
Skeppsklockans Astor
Skeppsklockans Bella-Mare
Puppies from Regina & Saturnus, born 2005-05-02
6 weeks old. Photo: Inga-Lill Zarif.

Puppies from Regina & Saturnus, born 2005-05-02

Skeppsklockan's Saturnus and Kendrakes Catsy at Skeppsklockan in Visby 01-02 of July, 2006.
Skeppsklockan's Saturnus BOB and his mother  Skeppsklockan's Monsuna Dutch BOS. Skeppsklockan's Saturnus, Skeppsklockan's Crystal, Skeppsklockan's Monsuna Dutch and Skeppsklockan's Bellona.

Best Breeders Group in Avesta, 2006-06-18

Viking03_Regina.jpg (54920 byte)
Skeppsklockan's Viking and his mother Skeppsklockan's Regina. Skeppsklockan's Bella Mare, Skeppsklockan's Regina and Skeppsklockan's Monsuna Dutch. Three generations:
Skeppsklockan's Monsuna Dutch (grandmother), Saturnus (dad) and Skeppsklockan's Crystal (daughter).
Skeppsklockan's Regal
Skeppsklockans Monsuna Dutch - BOB. Skeppsklockans Vikin - BOS. Skeppsklockan's Viking, BOS. International Stockholm Show, 2006-04-15. Photo: Ellen
Here are the Coastguards of Skeppsklockan. Skeppsklockans Regina, Viking and Vega. The Little Sea-God
At sea. In the Home Harbour 5 Shippers! Coastguards
Off duty watch. Sign on.
NAVAL - OFFICERS IN ÅLAND (FIN), Ch LOWIEKE vd Moerheuvel, Skeppsklockan´s MARINA DUTCH and Ch Skeppsklockan´s MONSUNA DUTCH. WE ARE SAILORS ! Ch Skeppsklockan´s MONSUNA, Skeppsklockan´s MARINA, Little Norway´s KNOLD and Ch LOWIEKE vd Moerheuvel